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Our story began as an engineering design team from the University of Michigan when we first visited Nicaragua in 2010 for a needs assessment trip. Our team studied the public health and services landscape in Nicaragua and visited clinics focused on maternal health and education. We identified that limited transportation to clinics and the lack of portable equipment are two challenges rural women face in receiving life saving gynecological examinations.  


Following the trip, we decided to design a portable gynecological examination table which can help bridge this gap between the rural women and their access to quality gynecological exams. 

Over the years, our team has evolved through our design process and built multiple iterations with feedback from our clinic partners in Nicaragua as well as our Engineering advisors and mentors in Michigan. Each year, our team visits our clinic partners in Nicaragua and in addition to our engineering intervention, we also partner with the public health initiatives in the rural areas to bring awareness and educate rural women.

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